This page is about astrophotography, amateur astronomy and my amateur radio activities.


Deep Sky Gallery

Moon Gallery

Make your own Observatory

Amateur Radio


SV1UK's Astrogallery Website
Editor: SV1UK, Kavalieris Tolis
Design: SV1CQO, Kavalieris Ilias
Contact us at:
[email protected]
(c) 1999-2001
SV1UK's Astrogallery
>>Amateur Radio
For the moment I have included in this page only some pictures. Soon I will include links on other good ham-radio sites, and ham-radio software such as sstv, log-book, telemetry decoding software and other.
I am also thinking of including weather-satellite images.
This is an photo from the CQ SSB World Wide Contest in 1993. You can see in the photo some members of the R.A.A.W.G. (SV1AFA) amateur radio club operating.
From the right to the left:
This is a photo from an amateur radio exhibition. This exhibition took place in 1993 in the city of Agrinion (western Greece). In this photo you can also see some members of the R.A.A.W.G. You can see SV1CIE (on the left) behind him SV1CQR, on his right SV1CQL, on SV1CQL's right SV1CQI, on his right SV1SN, in his front SV1CQG, on SV1SN's right SV1CQJ, on her front SV1CQU, on his right SV1UK (me) and behind me SV1CQC.
 This is the photo of the WW WPX SSB contest that took place at 2001. Here you can see the team of J41K special callsign.

 This is my dog in radio amateur activity!!!