This page is about astrophotography, amateur astronomy and my amateur radio activities.


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Make your own Observatory

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SV1UK's Astrogallery Website
Editor: SV1UK, Kavalieris Tolis
Design: SV1CQO, Kavalieris Ilias
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(c) 1999-2001
SV1UK's Astrogallery
>>Make your Own Observatory
Some weeks ago, I decided that I should make a small observatory on the roof of my house because I had a major problem with the city lights. So I drew some draft designs and I proceeded with the construction. It took me about fourteen days to finish the construction. It consists of a metallic frame with inner and outer wood facing. In the walls there is a foamy insulation material. The roof of this observatory can move towards one direction and it is supported by four ball bearings. These ball bearings are moving in two rails.
The rails are two long iron rods. Their section looks like this:

And there is a mandrel which in its end there are the ball bearings. As I mentioned before these ball bearings are in the rail.
So the whole thing looks like that:

As shown in the above image, the distance between the two ball bearings is 2.5 meters.
But there is a problem in the construction. Imagine the frame of this small observatory look like this:

Imagining that my height and the height of people using this observatory is at about 1.80m . This means that we can't fit in this. The height of the four piles should be no longer than 1.70m just to give stability to the construction. Remember that the frame of the construction, the rails, and the its roof are all iron-made. So, I decided to change the part of the frame pointed with an arrow in the above image, like this:

As you can see, the converted member is the first. The one pointed with the arrow. I converted with the same way the second member. I left the third member as is, because it's not a problem. You can also see now the rails. These rails are the upper 3m iron rods.
Now watch the next image to realize where the roof goes when it uncovers the observatory:

So the roof goes to the next uncovered frame. There is a last thing I have to mention here. The roof that looks as it is made of pantile is made of some sort of aluminium.
Now you can see some photographies of this:

If you have any question please send me an e-mail.